Macos High Sierra Latest Version Macos Sierra Latest Version Download Apple's macOS High Sierra (aka macOS 10.13) is the newest version of Apple's Mac and MacBook operating system. These are the main updates in the new version of macOS, which is based on previous versions of the operating system and that you can now download and use on your Apple computer if it's newer than 2013. As the successor to OS X El Capitan, it was the first version of the operating system issued under the June 2016 rebranding as macOS.

All in all, the same functions as on an iPhone.

This newest version is called macOS Sierra in line with Apple's tradition to give their operating systems' names of geographical locations in California.

that and an installation window will open, read and follow the prompts, this does not install Sierra but uses the. Download macOS High Sierra 10.13.2 Download The macOS High Sierra 10.13.2 update improves the stability, compatibility and security of your Mac, and is recommended for all users. When downloaded open to get InstallOS.pkg, double-click on. Download macOS Sierra - macOS High Sierra helps you rediscover your best photos, shop faster and more conveniently online, and work more seamlessly between devices. The operating system previously known as OS X is now called macOS and its thirteenth version, 10.12, can now be downloaded to Mac servers, desktop and laptop computers. The next section can only be done on a mac that is capable of running Sierra, a mac that came preinstalled with an OS later than Sierra will refuse to do the next bit.